Shipment of Humanitarian Assistance to Northern Iraq

The ROS is thrilled to announce its success in launching humanitarian commodities shipment to Kurdistan, northern Iraq.  The shipment consists of 184 boxes of shoes, wheel chairs, kids’ jumpers, 11 boxes of diapers, boxes of masks, 4 blanket bags, kids’ playground foam mattes to be distributed in refugee camps. This is alongside basic need supplies.

The urge for shipping to Northern Iraq

Iraq remains facing humanitarian concerns since millions are in need for an immediate assistance and protection. The years of conflict affected millions, eroded social cohesion, disrupted access to basic services, and destroyed livelihoods which led to increased risks. With limited progress towards development and recovery, millions across Iraq remain in need of humanitarian assistance. According to the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), as of 31 July 2021, there remained 1,191,470 internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Iraq.

The Middle East is still facing complex and multiple conflicts, crisis, damages and displacement. Education, vital healthcare, water infrastructure are all at risk. Therefore, your donations will empower us to deliver adequate support in a timely manner. Your collaboration and support will help us to coordinate and promote more shipments to rescue families and children. 

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