The Story of Basema, A Seed of Hope!

 The story of Basema

“ISIS came.. ISIS came
From Sinjar to the mountain
From the mountain to the village
from a village to another village
We left without a car, we took nothing with us
I was in great fear, we took nothing with us
we went to the mountain with no shelter and no food” Basema, an IDP girl

These were the words of Basema, a beautiful IDP girl, sharing the constant terror her people went through after learning that ISIS took over their village. Like millions of IDPs, Basema was still adjusting to life in a new environment and dealing with the emotional toll of leaving behind her home, family, and way of life. See the story of Basema in the following words.

When ROS visited her camp, she came clinging to Jacqueline Issac, Roads of Success vice president, pants. Basema wanted to feel loved and cared for. She was so excited to finally see people who can speak her language. For few moments, she forgot her tragedy and started playing and sharing her dream of being a doctor and traveling to the United States. Meanwhile she was sharing and learning about hope, a man came to destroy her hopes and said “how dare you tell this girl to hope; can’t you see the clothes that’s ripped up? Can’t you see where she sleeps at night? … Can’t you see that she’s an IDP?” Our hearts were broken because the last message she heard is that there is no hope. Although it was impossible to find the girl one more time, but God is the God of the possible; He had another plan and guided us to reach in front of her tent to deliver her the message of hope and love. She kept hugging and Kissing Jacqueline, telling her “I knew you would come back for me, because you taught me about hope.” This is what a little seed of hope can do to a little girl.

Basema and Millions of IDPs are experiencing social and political instability, conflicts, climate shocks, displacement, violence, food insecurity, lack of education opportunities and access to health care systems. But you can bring them hope and plant new seeds of hope by support the IDPs livelihoods and provide them with the knowledge and abilities they need to prosper, care for their families, and give back to their communities.


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