What is Humanitarian aid?

Humanitarian aid is intended to assist those impacted by armed conflict and natural catastrophes in order to preserve lives, lessen suffering, and uphold human dignity in times of need.

The concept of humanitarian action has evolved over time and can take many forms. It is linked to a group of fundamental principles as stated in United Nations (UN) Resolution 46/182 (1991): humanity (providing aid wherever it is needed and doing so in a way that upholds each person’s rights and dignity); impartiality (providing aid without bias and in response to need); help without taking sides in disputes of a political, religious, or ideological nature, or acting neutrally (the act of providing assistance without engaging in conflicts); and autonomy (the provision of assistance autonomous from the political, economic, military or other objectives of other actors).

Roads of Success practices in response to the humanitarian principles:

  • Roads of Success offers humanitarian aid based on needs to those affected by natural and man-made disasters, paying special attention to the most vulnerable victims. No matter of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, country, or political affiliation, aid is distributed impartially to the afflicted communities. Emergency intervention sectors covered by the Roads of Success humanitarian aid include food and nutrition, housing, healthcare, water and sanitation, and education.
  • Assisting refugees: The Roads of Success provide aid to those who have been uprooted by the conflict. The organization is in charge of directing and coordinating global efforts to safeguard refugees and provide solutions to their difficulties.
  • Helping children: Since its inception, The ROS has worked to provide children with practical, affordable solutions to the greatest dangers to their survival. Also, the ROS repeatedly calls on governments and belligerents to take stronger measures to safeguard children.
  • Supporting girls and women: With an emphasis on addressing the health and protection needs of women, girls, and young people, the ROS offers humanitarian assistance related to sexual and reproductive health in many regions. Along with integrated services for mental health and psychological support, monetary and voucher assistance, life-saving sexual and reproductive health care, supplies, and coordination for the prevention and response to gender-based violence.
  • Make an effort to guarantee that supporting humanitarian actions in new crises does not negatively impact satisfying needs in ongoing crises.
  • Demand responsibility for carrying out humanitarian actions which are dedicated to encouraging accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness in doing so.
  • Encourage learning and accountability activities to ensure that its humanitarian actions are carried out effectively and efficiently.
  • Promote the creation of common reporting formats for donors and ensure a high level of accuracy, promptness, and transparency in donor reporting on official humanitarian assistance spending.

To partner with us on this work, we encourage you to visit our website at: ‏https://www.roadsofsuccess.org/donate.

Or visit the following links:

‎‏PayPal :  info@roadsofsuccess.org
‎‏Venmo : @Yvette-Isaac-1
‎‏Cash App : $roadsofsuccess
‎‏Zelle : (626)359-2537
To donate from Egypt please call: 01277442697

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ROS Humanitarian Work Update in Sigy, Northern Iraq 

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